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10 Non-Scale Victories to Celebrate on Your Weight Loss Journey

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you’ve probably heard of NSVs or Non Scale Victories. Those are the little victories that have nothing to do with your progress on the scale and they are my favorite!

When it comes to weight loss, it’s easy to become obsessed with the numbers on the scale. But let’s face it—there’s so much more to the journey than just shedding pounds! If you’ve ever felt frustrated by a lack of progress on the scale, it’s time to shift your focus to all the incredible, NSVs that deserve just as much celebration. So, let’s put the scale aside for a moment and dive into 10 fantastic NSVs that prove you’re making progress on your journey!

1. Your Clothes Fit Better (or Don’t Fit at All!)

You know that feeling when you pull on a pair of jeans, and they slide up easily for the first time in forever? Or when your favorite shirt feels a bit looser around the waist? These are signs that your body is transforming, even if the scale isn’t moving much. Celebrate those moments! Treat yourself to a new outfit or take a fun selfie to capture how good you feel in your skin.

2. Increased Energy Levels

Remember when getting out of bed felt like an Olympic event? If you’re starting to notice that you’re waking up with a little more energy or powering through your day without needing that third cup of coffee, that’s a huge victory! Your body is thanking you for taking better care of it, so give yourself a high-five for all that extra energy.

3. Taking up Less Space in the Car

I know this may be a weird one, but it’s so satisfying- and worth celebrating, because it’s the little things! The first time I noticed all the extra space around me while sitting in my car was so cool (I captured the moment in the picture below), and I thought “man no one talks about this”. So here I am talking about it and encouraging you to notice it, and be proud of yourself. Every little victory counts.

4. Improved Endurance and Strength

Maybe you’re climbing stairs without getting winded, or perhaps you’re lifting heavier weights at the gym than you ever thought possible. These are major signs that your fitness is improving! Celebrate by challenging yourself to a new workout or activity that you’ve been too intimidated to try before. Go ahead—hit up that spin class or hike that trail!

5. Better Sleep Quality

Are you finally getting those sweet, uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep? If you’re falling asleep faster and waking up feeling more rested, it’s a great indicator that your lifestyle changes are paying off. Sleep is crucial for overall health, and better sleep quality means your body is recovering well and ready to take on the day.

6. Healthier Skin and Hair

Ever notice how a healthy lifestyle gives you that extra glow? When you eat better and stay hydrated, your skin clears up, and your hair looks shinier and feels stronger. I especially noticed when I stayed on top of my vitamins and nutrients. If people start asking about your skincare routine or complimenting your hair, let them know it’s all about those healthy changes you’ve made!

7. Feeling More Confident

Confidence isn’t always about the number on the scale—it’s about how you feel inside and out. Maybe you’ve started noticing yourself standing a little taller, or you’re more comfortable wearing that outfit you’ve always loved but were too shy to try. Take a moment to appreciate that newfound confidence; it’s a sign of self-love and acceptance, and that’s something to celebrate!

8. Improved Health Markers

Weight loss isn’t just about looking good, and fitting into smaller jeans. A lot of us embark on a weight loss journey to avoid, or try and improve health issues. In my case I was uncomfortably close to being considered pre-diabetic (we’re talking like half a point), and newly diagnosed with sleep apnea. Losing weight improved my AC1, and blood pressure almost immediately. So this is an amazing thing to look forward to and celebrate!

9. Needing Less Medications

Usually a side effect of number 8 above, here’s a non-scale victory that deserves a serious shout-out: needing fewer medications! If your doctor’s giving you the green light to reduce or even ditch some of those pills, it’s proof that your body is thriving on all those healthy changes you’re making. Lowering your blood pressure, managing cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar aer just a few of the NSVs we can be proud of.

10. Less Overall Body Pain

Feeling less overall body pain is a fantastic non-scale victory worth celebrating! As you make healthier choices and strengthen your body, you might notice those nagging aches and pains starting to fade away. Whether it’s less knee pain (one of my issues pre-op) when climbing stairs or feeling more comfortable in your favorite chair, these are all signs that your body is loving the changes you’re making.

Celebrate Every Step of the Way!

Remember, every step forward is a victory, whether it shows up on the scale or not. So next time you feel like the numbers aren’t moving fast enough, take a step back and look at all the amazing progress you’re making. Celebrate these non-scale victories because they’re proof that you’re becoming stronger, healthier, and happier. Keep going, and remember—you’ve got this!

What’s your favorite non-scale victory? Share in the comments below and let’s cheer each other on! 🎉

By focusing on these 10 non-scale victories, you’ll stay motivated and encouraged throughout your weight loss journey. Keep celebrating every win, no matter how small, and remember that each step brings you closer to your ultimate goal of a healthier, happier you.

Take Care,

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